Star Trek Season 2 Ep. 3 The Changeling

This starts somewhat like episode 2 did. The Enterprise is hit by something unknown and the crew goes tumbling. The music makes things seem more interesting as it looks like they are going into intergalactic battle. Once they interact with the attacker it seems that a peaceful agreement is reached and they beam up a robot. Scotty doesn’t trust the idea for good reason. The robot voice is classic probably copy catted by many future programs. “Insufficient response”, “I am Nomad”. If I would have seen this as a kid I would have been real annoying imitating the robot named Nomad.  Nomad confuses Kirk with his creator just as a child would confuse another for their mother or father. The robot only listens to Kirk’s orders. The robot is seen as a changeling because it is not the original robot that was created with this kind of intelligence, instead it takes the original robots place and destroys all that it does not see as perfect. I wonder if this was inspiration for the film starring Angelina Jolie. Even though the robot doesn’t look like much it is a force to reckoned with. Scotty is killed and brought back to life by the robot which seems kind of funny. I thought it was funny when the robot scans Lt. Uhura’s (the black chick) brain and says “This unit is a mass of chaotic impulses”. The writers of the script come up with some crazy stuff.Nomad I don’t get how Nomad cannot tell that Captain Kirk is just like all the others on Enterprise. It floats around the ship like a bad kid running around in need of discipline. The way that Kirk speaks to the robot makes the show enjoyable because of his tone and quick responses. Once Kirk explains how Nomad is imperfect it overloads and is ready to self destruct. “Error, Error!!!”Again Spock and Kirk talk of logic, it seems to be the language that all advanced forms of life understand.

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