Star Trek Season 2 Ep. 2 Who Mourns for Adonais

Since the first episode I noticed that all of the women who work on Enterprise look good, even though this was filmed more than 30 years ago. In this episode a field of energy in the shape of a hand grabs the Enterprise and keeps them from traveling onward. The hand belongs to the Greek god Apollo. I wonder who’s idea it was to incorporate Greek history into space age travel, it seems funny to me. Once they set foot on his planet he orders Spock to leave by Apollo because he seems boring and unhappy. Kirk and the others are kept around so they will worship him. Many of the characters from Greek myths are mentioned, you would have to really know something about this to understand the episode. Apollo wants the woman they brought to the surface of his planet Lt. Carolyn, I would take her too. The effect they use to make Apollo look larger looks believable for the time in which the episode was aired. They had some more quotes, Kirk says “He may look human but that doesn’t mean a thing”. Just like the first episode much of the action takes place in two settings, onboard Enterprise and the area where they meet Apollo. There seems to be an emphasis on saying Apollo is no god. Kirk even states there is only one God, it surprised me because I thought this show was only scientific. Its cool how they keep refusing to worship Apollo because it shows that humans aren’t weak and will stand up for themselves. Cpt. KirkThis episode was alright but all the talking almost mad me fall asleep at one point.

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